Pay As You Save

Pay As You Save

What is PAYS®?

Pay As You Save – or PAYS® – is an innovative, inclusive financing solution that transforms the approach to how consumers pay for energy efficiency upgrades in their homes. A utility-conducted energy audit identifies cost-effective upgrades, with costs spread over time and recouped through a monthly payment on your utility bill. This approach results in a neutral or net-positive cash flow for consumers.

Notably, PAYS® distinguishes itself by reducing energy bills and making energy efficiency accessible to everyone. This includes renters, who are often left out of such opportunities. The program accelerates the transition to a greener future and lowers carbon footprints through innovative demand reduction.

Ameren, Evergy, and Spire customers in Missouri already can access PAYS®. Additionally, Liberty-Empire is in the works of developing a PAYS® program, which will be available soon for customers.

If you are a customer of Ameren or Evergy in Missouri, you can sign-up for an energy audit below.,

Making PAYS® Accessible to Missouri Rural Electric Cooperatives

PAYS® has not been offered by any rural electric co-ops or municipal utilities yet, even though it is being used by these types of utilities all across the country. If you are a member-owner of a co-op or a customer of a municipal utility, you can learn more about how these programs are saving customers money on their utility bills in other states at the links below.
Examples of Different Types of Utilities PAYS® Programs

Ouachita Electric Cooperative’s HELP PAYS® Program sets a minimum project cost of $1,000 and capped at $25,000. Upgrades are restricted to ensure that annual charges, fees, and the cooperative’s capital costs do not surpass 80% of the estimated annual savings from reduced utility charges for members, based on current electricity or gas rates. Solar energy is also included as an eligible efficiency measure. This has proven so effective this utility has sought rate decreases as a result of the investments made through this program. Learn more HERE.

Midwest Energy ’s How $mart Program is setup similarly to the HELP PAYS® program, but this program requires the project surcharge to be less than 90% of the estimate savings for members. Learn more HERE.

Roanoke Electric’s Upgrade to $ave Program functions as a normal PAYS® program. However, the utility reports that participants are receiving net savings of $10-$15/month from the program, demonstrating its success for customers. Learn more HERE.

New Hampshire Electric Cooperative’s SmartStart Program is for commercial and industrial customers. The minimum project cost is $150,000 and energy assessment must show that chosen measures are estimated to produce sufficient energy or demand savings to offset the total costs of the measures. Learn more HERE.

Appalachian Electric Cooperative’s U-$ave Advantage Program mandates upgrades must not surpass 80% of the estimated annual savings from reduced members’ annual utility charges, based on current electricity rates. Additionally, all replaced equipment under the program must be ENERGY STAR® certified. Learn more HERE.

Rappahannock Electric Cooperative’s Vividly Brighter Upgrades Program focuses on deemed savings will lead to reduced electric bills for the customer. A portion of the gross cost savings from energy efficiency measures will be allocated to the eligible customer, while the remaining portion will go to the cooperative to cover program costs. Learn more HERE. 

Municipal Utility PAYS® Program Examples

The La Grange (Georgia) City Utilities’ Save on Utilities Long-term (SOUL) Program – Adopted in May 2020, SOUL assists low-to-moderate income renters and homeowners in achieving energy efficiency upgrades. Using community development funds, upgrades are restricted to ensure that annual charges, fees, and then municipalities’ capital costs do not surpass 80% of the estimated annual savings from reduced utility charges for members, based on current electricity. Learn more HERE.

Want to See Your Utility Offer PAYS®?

If you want to advocate for PAYS® to be included in your utility’s programs, email us at Let us know if you’d like us to present to your local utility leadership about the benefits of PAYS® and other inclusive financing programs.

If your local Rural Electric Cooperative is on the list below, they are an existing Rural Utility Service (RUS) borrower and can quickly apply for a zero interest loan from USDA to offer you a PAYS® program. Any effort from a REC to implement a PAYS® program could be provided resources from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

*RECs not on this list are still eligible for funding from USDA, but will need to take the first step of becoming a RUS borrower to be able to bring a PAYS® program to your community.

Pemiscot-Dunklin Electric Cooperative

Intercounty Electric Cooperative Association

Howard Electric Cooperative

Lewis County Rural Electric Cooperative Association

Callaway Electric Cooperative

Ralls County Electric Cooperative

Atchison-Holt Electric Cooperative

Ozark Border Electric Cooperative

Macon Electric Cooperative

Consolidated Electric Cooperative

Central Missouri Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Grundy Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Three Rivers Electric Cooperative

New-Mac Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Howell-Oregon Electric Cooperative, Inc.

West Central Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Southwest Electric Cooperative

Crawford Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Sac Osage Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Citizens Electric Corporation

Webster Electric Cooperative

Se-Ma-No Electric Cooperative

Gascosage Electric Cooperative

Barry Electric Cooperative
United Electric Cooperative, Inc.

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