The Energy Resource Navigator is a tool to help Missourians handle their energy bills better. This page will show you all the ways you can get help paying your bills and saving energy. Look below to find a list of all the programs that can help you!
Energy Relief Navigator
To begin, please select your utility provider:

Ameren: # in Household

Please select the number of individuals in your household:

Ameren: Household Income

For a household size of 1, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 2, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 3, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 4, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 5, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 6, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 7, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 8 or more, your annual household income is between:
Are you a U.S. citizen?

Spire: # in Household

Please select the number of individuals in your household:

Spire: Household Income

For a household size of 1, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 2, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 3, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 4, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 5, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 6, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 7, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 8 or more, your annual household income is between:
Are you a U.S. citizen?

Evergy: # in Household

Please select the number of individuals in your household:

Evergy: Household Income

For a household size of 1, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 2, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 3, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 4, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 5, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 6, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 7, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 8 or more, your annual household income is between:
Are you a U.S. citizen?

CW&L: # in Household

Please select the number of individuals in your household:

CW&L: Household Income

For a household size of 1, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 2, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 3, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 4, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 5, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 6, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 7, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 8 or more, your annual household income is between:
Are you a U.S. citizen?

Other: # in Household

Please select the number of individuals in your household:

Other: Household Income

For a household size of 1, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 2, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 3, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 4, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 5, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 6, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 7, your annual household income is between:
For a household size of 8 or more, your annual household income is between:
Are you a U.S. citizen?

The programs you may be eligible for, based on your answers, will be displayed below. Use the program labels as shortcuts to quickly scroll down the page for the full details of each program. A displayed program does not guarantee eligibility.

Program Color Key:






Bill Assistance

Energy Efficiency

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Federal Bill Assistance

Description: LIHEAP  is a program from the government and it helps families to help pay for their heating or cooling bills at home. State governments run it to make sure families who really need it can get help to keep their homes comfortable. If you’re a homeowner or renter and find it hard to pay your energy bills, this program might be just right for you.

*Recommended for low-income homeowners and renters who struggle to pay their utility bills.

  • 60% of state median income
  • Have $3,000 or less in bank accounts, investments, or retirement accounts
  • US Citizen
  • Missouri Resident

How to Apply

To apply please fill out the form linked HERE. Once the form is complete, send your application and documents to the LIHEAP agency in the county you live in.

Missouri Weatherization Assistance Program
State Energy Efficiency Program

Description: This program helps income-qualified families make their homes better at saving energy. They might add measures like insulation or better heating systems to keep homes cozy. A lot of people live in older homes that might not keep heat in very well. Weatherization helps fix that for the long haul. Once a home gets weatherized, it saves energy every year, which means lower bills. 

*Recommended for low-income renters and single family homeowners looking to make energy upgrades to a home or unit.

  • 200% of federal poverty level
  • US Citizen
  • Missouri Resident
  • Preference is given to people over age 60, families with one or more members with a disability, and families with children

How to Apply

To apply you must contact your local Weatherization service provider, most likely your local Community Action Agency. Find a provider HERE.

Keeping Current (Ameren)
Ameren Bill Assistance

Description: Ameren’s “Keeping Current” program is for folks who might be having a tough time paying their electric bills. This program gives money to help and lets you choose how to pay your bills if you’re eligible. 

*Recommended for homeowners and renters who experience high electric bills.

  • 200% of federal poverty level
  • Cannot be enrolled in the Keeping Cool program.

How to Apply

To apply, contact the agency in the county where you live. See the list HERE. 

Community Savers - Single Family & Renters
Ameren Energy Efficiency Program

Description: This program is offered by Ameren and Spire to help folks save energy and money on their bills. If you’re a renter or you own your own home, and your income qualifies, this program might work for you. They can help upgrade things like your air conditioning, showerheads, appliances, lights, and even add insulation to your place. It’s all about making your home more efficient and saving you money on your bills.

*Recommended for low-income renters and single family homeowners looking to make energy upgrades to a home or unit.

  • You must have an active Ameren Missouri electric account.
  • Have four or less attached or detached living units, and meet ONE of the following income eligibility requirements:
    • 80% of the area median income or 200% of the federal poverty level.
    • Participate in federal, state, or local subsidized housing programs.
    • Fall within a census tract included on Ameren’s list of eligible low-income census tracts.

How to Apply

If you are a homeowner and not associated with a participating housing organization, you call this number (877) 215-5752 to get started. 

Keeping Cool (Ameren)
Ameren Bill Assistance

Description: The Keeping Cool program is an Ameren program that provides a monthly discount on your electricity bill from May through September. This program is managed by this list of local agencies.

*Recommended for homeowners and renters who experience high electric bills during the summer months.

  • 250% of federal poverty level
  • Must be a senior citizen; or a family with children under age 5; or person with a documented chronic medical condition
  • Cannot be enrolled in the Keeping Current program.

How to Apply

To apply, contact the agency in the county where you live. See the list HERE. 

Pay As You Save (PAYS) (Ameren & Spire)
Ameren & Spire Energy Efficiency Programs

Description: Pay As You Save (PAYS) is a program that makes your home more energy efficient without paying any money upfront. With this program, you can get things like better insulation or energy-saving appliances installed in your home. Here’s the best part: you don’t have to pay anything right away. The utility company covers the cost upfront, and then you pay them back a little bit each month on your energy bill. But don’t worry, the amount you pay each month is guaranteed to be less than the money you save from using less energy.

*Recommended only for homeowners.

Clean Slate (Ameren)
Ameren Bill Assistance

Description: If you owe money on your gas bills, this program can help you out. All you have to do is pay 10% of what you owe, and then they’ll help cover the rest! It’s for families who might not qualify for other big help programs. Your local Community Action Agency runs this, so you can ask them about it. This program is great for homeowners and renters with low to medium incomes who need help catching up on their gas bills.

*Recommended for low to moderate-income homeowners and renters who have past-due balances on their gas bills.

  • 300% of federal poverty level
  • Have an active Ameren Missouri electric or gas account that is past due, including those on payment agreements, or reconnecting an account
  • Pay 10% of the past-due balance
  • Experiencing financial hardship.

How to Apply

To get more information and apply, proceed to the program link above and find an agency near you.

Ameren & Spire Home Rebates
Ameren & Spire Energy Efficiency Programs

Description: Ameren Missouri and Spire Missouri have deals for homeowners that give you money back when you buy energy-saving items for your home. You can get rebates for things like air conditioners, heaters, insulation, and even smart thermostats. Plus, Ameren has a program where they pay you for using your smart thermostat to save energy during busy times. These programs are perfect if you want to save money on your bills or make your home better. The best way to get these deals is through the PAYS program, but you can also apply for them separately.

*Recommended for all homeowners.

New Start Energy Relief (Ameren)
Ameren Bill Assistance

Description: If you’ve been unhoused in the past year and owe money on your Ameren bills, this program can forgive what you owe. That means you can start fresh without worrying about those past-due bills. It’s a great way to get back on track with your energy bills.

*Recommended for individuals who have been unhoused within the past year and who have past-due Ameren bills.

  • Must have previously received electric service from Ameren
  • Has an outstanding bill from Ameren
  • Must have been unhoused or spent time in a shelter within the past year 

How to Apply

To get more information and apply, contact the agency in the county where you live. See the list HERE.

Energy Efficient Home Improvement Tax Credit
Federal Tax Credit Program

Description: This program gives you a big discount on your taxes if you make your home more energy efficient (30% tax credit). That means if you add items like better insulation or new windows to your house, you can get some money back when you do your taxes. Other improvements can include central air, natural gas, oil furnaces, electric or natural gas heat pump water heaters, panelboards, exterior windows, insulation, and more.

*Recommended for homeowners.

  • The home must be located in the US
  • The home must be existing, not a new home 
  • Credits are NOT available when the improvements are made to homes not used as a residence by the taxpayer. For example, landlords cannot use credits to improve homes that they rent out if they don’t live there themselves. 

Max Incentives

  • Maximum total yearly energy efficiency home improvement credit: $1,200 + $2,000 = $3,200 total per year. 
    • Building envelope maximum is $1,200 per year and energy property maximum is $2,000 per year.
Medical Hardship Extension (Ameren)
Ameren Bill Assistance

Description: The Medical Hardship Extension allows more time to make a payment due to a medical emergency or hardship.

*Recommended for homeowners and renters who have experienced a medical emergency and are unable to pay their utility bill on-time.

Call this number to apply: (800) 552-7583

Energy Efficient Mortgage (EEM)
Federal Energy Efficiency Program

Description: This program is helpful for people buying a new home or fixing up their current one. It gives them loans to make their homes more energy efficient. That means they can add things like better insulation or new windows to save money on their energy bills.

*Recommended for those purchasing a home or refinancing and need to make energy efficiency improvements to the home.

  • FHA minimum credit requirement
  • US Citizen
Critical Medical Needs Program (Ameren)
Ameren Bill Assistance

Description: If you’re an Ameren customer and have a serious illness that could get worse without electricity, or if you need special medical equipment to stay healthy, this program is for you. You just need your doctor to fill out a form to show that you really need electricity to keep you safe and healthy. It’s open for both homeowners and renters.

*Recommended for homeowners and renters who have a serious illness or medical condition.

Note: Potential applicants can also inquire by calling “211”

  • Live in St. Louis City or St. Louis County
  • Have a critical medical or behavioral condition that would be made worse by being without the utility service in the home
  • Completed medical waiver form by a verifiable medical representative
  • Person must also agree to complete an intake form by phone after medical waiver is received.


HOMES IRA Rebate Program - Available 2025
State Rebate Program


Description: NOT YET AVAILABLE – This program gives you money back when you make your home more energy efficient. That means if you upgrade things like insulation, appliances, or windows to save energy, you can get some cash back. You can even get rebates for using solar panels or geothermal systems to make your own energy.

*Recommended for homeowners

  • US Citizen
  • Low-income households (earn 80% or less than AMI).
  • Moderate-income households (earn 80-150% of the AMI).

Max Incentives

  • Up to $2,000 for retrofits reducing energy use by 20% or more, and up to $4,000 for retrofits saving 35% or more.
  • Rebates double for low-moderate income homes.
Dollar More (Ameren)
Ameren Bill Assistance

Description: This program helps out Ameren customers who are having a tough time paying their energy bills. Here’s how it works: people who can give a little extra money can donate to the program. Then, that money goes to help out folks who need it to pay their bills. So, if you’re a homeowner or renter and your energy bills are really high, this program might be able to give you a hand.

*Recommended for homeowners and renters who experience high energy bills.

  • Customers at or below 200% of the Federal poverty level

How to Apply

Click the program link above and find a local agency near you to help sign up.

High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate Program (HEEHRA) - Available 2025
State Rebate Program

Description: NOT YET AVAILABLE – This program helps out homeowners by giving them discounts right when they buy energy efficient items for their homes. This includes electric appliances that use less energy. If you’re a homeowner and you want to make your home more energy efficient, this program can help you save some money.

*Recommended for homeowners

  • Income Qualifications: 80-150% of the area median income
  • US Citizen
  • Missouri Resident

Max Incentives 

  • $14,000
Payment Partner Program (Spire)
Spire Bill Assistance

Description: This program helps Spire customers who might have a hard time paying their gas bills. Here’s how it works: they give you a discount on your bill every month to help you out. Plus, if you owe money on your bill, they can spread out the payments over a few months so it’s easier to pay. It’s for people who need some extra help with their gas bills, whether they own their home or rent it.

*Recommended for low to moderate-income homeowners and renters who struggle to pay their gas bill.

  • Customers at or below 60% of the State median income
How to Apply To get more information please call (800) 887-4173 or contact your local Community Action Agency. See the list HERE.
Income-Eligible Weatherization (Evergy)
Evergy Energy Efficiency Program

Description: This program helps Evergy homeowners and renters make their homes better at saving energy. They can add measures like better insulation or energy-saving gadgets to use less energy and pay less on their bills. Even if you’re renting, you can still join in, but you need to ask your landlord first. It’s a great program for families who need help making their homes more comfy and cheaper to run their electricity.

*Recommended for low income households in need of in-home upgrades.

  • The customer must have made attempts to a maintain payment history, no matter how small.
  • Must not exceed current income guidelines, currently 200% of the Federal Poverty Income Level.
  • Own the residence, or if you rent, obtain written permission from the landlord. The landlord must also agree not to raise rent for at least two years from the completion date.

How to Apply

  • Contact an agency in the county where you live. See the list HERE.
  • Professional crew will visit your home to determine your needs.
  • Agency will review recommendations and hire contractors.
  • Contractors will complete weatherization efforts.
  • Agency will inspect completed work.
Medical Emergency Program (Spire)
Spire Bill Assistance

Description: Let’s say someone in your home has a serious illness and needs gas in their home to be on to stay safe. This program prevents the gas company from turning off your power for up to 21 days if you tell them about the situation. 

*Recommended for homeowners and renters who have a serious illness or medical condition.

Fill out the form found at the ‘Visit Program Here’ link above. 

Evergy Pay As You Save (PAYS) (Evergy)
Evergy Energy Efficiency Program

Description: Pay As You Save (PAYS) is a program that makes your home more energy efficient without paying any money upfront. With this program, you can get things like better insulation or energy-saving appliances installed in your home. Here’s the best part: you don’t have to pay anything right away. The utility company covers the cost upfront, and then you pay them back a little bit each month on your energy bill. But don’t worry, the amount you pay each month is guaranteed to be less than the money you save from using less energy.

Depending on the recommended measures, some customer may have to provide an upfront payment or co-payment to participate. 

*Recommended only for homeowners. 

  • Visit the link above, or fill out the interest form HERE to schedule a free energy audit.
DollarHelp (Spire)
Spire Bill Assistance

Description: This program helps out Spire customers who are having a tough time paying their gas bill. Here’s how it works: people who can give a little extra money can donate to the program. Then, that money goes to help out folks who need it to pay their bills. So, if you’re a homeowner or renter and your energy bills are really high, this program might be able to give you a hand.

*Recommended for low to moderate-income homeowners and renters who struggle to pay their gas bill.

  • Customers at or below 300% of the Federal poverty level
How to Apply Call 211 to find local partnering agencies that can help enroll you in the Dollar Help program.
Income-Eligible Solar Subscription (Evergy)
Evergy Energy Efficiency Program

Description: This program allows you to support solar energy without paying more money each month. Here’s how it works: If you join, you get to pick how much of your electricity comes from solar power. You can choose up to half (that’s half of all the power you use at home) to be from solar panels right in your community.You can join or leave the program whenever you want. No strings attached. It doesn’t cost anything extra to join.

*Recommended for income qualified homeowners and renters.

  • Must have an account that is not delinquent or in default
  • Must meet one of the following criteria:
    • Participating in a federal, state, or local affordable housing program
    • Census tract is identified as a low-income tract
    • At least 50% of units are rented to households at or below 200% of the federal poverty level or at or below 80% of area median income
    • Documented information demonstrating the property is on the waiting list for, or is currently participating in, or has in the last five years participated in the Weatherization Assistance Program.

How to Apply

Registered Customer Program (Spire)
Spire Bill Assistance

Description: This program allows Spire customers with a household member over 65 years old, or with a disability, on limited income to stop their gas from being shut off from November 1st through March 31st.

*This program is recommended for senior customers, and/or customers with a disability, on limited income. It also requires annual recertification.

  • For customers over 65 years of age or those who have a documented disability.

How to Apply

Fill out the enrollment form found at the ‘Visit Program Here’ link above, or call (800) 887-4173.

Residential Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Rebate (Evergy)
Evergy Energy Efficiency Program

Description: Evergy’s EV Charging program offers up to a $500 rebate toward the cost of a 240-volt outlet or a hardwired charging station at your home. Charging your EV with a Level 2, 240-volt charging system is five times quicker and 15% more efficient than a standard Level 1, 110-volt system.

*Recommended for Evergy customers with an electric vehicle in need of a 240-volt outlet or a hardwired charging station.

  • Must have an electric vehicle
  • Have a licensed electrician install a 240-volt NEMA 14-50 outlet or a hardwired charging station in your home
  • Be enrolled on a residential Time of Use rate.

How to Apply

  • Own or lease an EV and provide registration documentation matching the address where outlet or charger was installed
  • Provide an installation receipt including the license number of electrician who installed the charging station.
Extended Payment Date Program (Spire)
Spire Bill Assistance

Description: This program extends your bill payment date by up to ten days before you are charged a late fee.

*Recommended for people enrolled in Social Security.

  • This program is for customers on a fixed income. For example, a customer who receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI) would qualify.
  • Customers must also be up-to-date on their payments.

How to Apply

Fill out the registration form at the ‘Visit Program Here’ link above, or call (800) 887-4173.

Thermostat Program (Evergy)
Evergy Energy Efficiency Program

Description: Evergy’s Thermostat Program offers free discounted prices on smart thermostats that can save you up to $145 per year. With a smart thermostats you can turn your heating or cooling up or down using a smartphone.

*Recommended for all Evergy customers.

  • Be enrolled in Evergy’s Smart Thermostat Program.

How to Apply

  • Enroll in Evergy’s Smart Thermostat Program
  • Select the smart thermostat you would like
  • Install on your own or have a professional install it
  • Note: If you already own a smart thermostat, you can still enroll for all benefits plus a $100 bonus.
Furnace Repair Program (Red Tag Program) (Spire)
Spire Bill Assistance

Description: Spire customers can receive up to $1,000 for repairs to their natural gas furnace.

*Recommended for income-qualified people who need repairs to their natural gas furnace.

  • Customers at or below 185% of the Federal poverty level
How to Apply
  • Contact your local Community Action Agency to begin the process. See the list HERE.
Income-Eligible Weatherization Program
CW&L Energy Efficiency Program

Description: Columbia Utilities has pledged up to $250,000 over the next five years to fund a weatherization program for Columbia Water & Light electric customers. This program is to help low-income households make energy efficiency improvements to their homes.

*Recommended for low-income households needing assistance in making energy efficiency improvements.

  • Household income does not exceed 200% of the federal poverty income guidelines
  • If you rent, you must obtain written permission from landlord.

How to Apply

  • Download this PDF for the application and process
  • Attach the required documents to the application and drop off, mail in, or email to the CMCA Weatherization Department.
  • CMCA Contacts –  Phone: (573) 443-3500 | Email:
Economic Relief Pilot Program (ERPP) (Evergy)
Evergy Bill Assistance

Description: Evergy’s Economic Relief Pilot Program, in partnership with the Salvation Army, provides a monthly credit of up to $65 for up to a year. 

*Recommended for low-income households who struggle with paying their monthly expenses.

  • Good standing Missouri residential account with Evergy
  • Not currently disconnected or at risk for disconnection
  • Income is at or below 200% of Federal Poverty Level
  • Must not have previously been removed from the program due to mishandling of Evergy account
  • Must agree to participate in an interview regarding program participation if requested by Evergy or the Missouri Public Service Commission.

How to Apply

  • Fill out ERPP Application
  • Call the Salvation Army at (816) 756-5392, option 1
  • Make an in-person appointment by locating the Salvation Army office near you. If you do not have internet access, contact United Way by dialing 2-1-1 on your phone to find the Salvation Army office in your area. 
Window Air Conditioner Exchange
CW&L Energy Efficiency Program

Description: Columbia Water & Light, Boone County Cooperative, and Voluntary Action Center are offering replacements of older, inefficient A/C units with a new one for free.

*Recommended for income-qualified households in need of a new window air conditioner.

  • Be a current Columbia Water & Light electric customer
  • Have an older less efficient or broken window unit to exchange
  • Have an annual income of at or below 200% of the poverty level
  • Participants in the previous year’s program are not eligible again this year.

How to Apply

  • Call the Voluntary Action Center at (573) 874-2273 to confirm eligibility and availability
  • Bring in required materials to the office at 403A Vandiver Drive, Columbia, Missouri to exchange your old system.
H2O Help to Others Program
Missouri American Water Bill Assistance

Description: H2O Help to Others is a program that helps people in Missouri pay their water bills if they are having trouble. The program receives money from Missouri American Water and donations from other customers.

*Recommended for homeowners and renters struggling to pay their water bill.

  • Must be a customer of Missouri American Water
  • Customer will qualify if in danger of losing their primary source of water and meets the “basic needs” criteria as set by Community Action Agency caseworkers.

How to Apply

  • Contact the Community Action Agency in your area to apply. See the list HERE.
  • If you are having difficulty locating the agency serving you, please contact the Missouri American Water Customer Service Center at (866) 430-0820.
Enhanced Home Performance with Energy Star
CW&L Energy Efficiency Program

Description: This program offers energy efficiency upgrades to your home which could include insulation, air and ductwork, and replacing qualified refrigerators. To determine what measures are best for the home, an energy efficiency assessment is required. Help your family save money by improving energy efficiency in your home. There is a cap of $2,400 on the free energy efficiency improvements.

*Recommended for income-qualified homeowners.

  • Check income eligibility
  • Must be a Columbia Water & Light customer
  • Own your home.

How to Apply

  • Contact Columbia Water & Light at (573) 441-5528 or email to inquire about available funding.
Utility Assistance Program
Boone Electric Bill Assistance

Description: The Utility Assistance Program offers financial bill assistance for electric and water utility services for Boone County residents and Boone Electric customers.

*Recommended for seniors, people with disabilities, families with children under 18 in need of financial assistance.

  • Over sixty years of age, or permanently disabled, or be a family with a child age 18 or younger
  • Must be a permanent resident of Boone County or a Boone Electric customer
  • Household income must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty level
  • Applicant must be the utility account holder.

How to Apply

  • Fill out Utility Assistance Application at the ‘Visit Program Here’ link above.
  • Include all necessary documents
  • Submit completed application via mail, drop off, fax, or e-mail
  • Note that this is not an emergency assistance program; assistance is provided through a monthly lottery.
Attic Plus Rebate
CW&L Energy Efficiency Program

Description: Attic Plus Rebates offer CW&L customers with savings on insulation and duct improvements. These rebates, available to those who may not qualify for home performance rebates, offer up to $450 for attic upgrades and $300 for duct improvements. Improve your home’s energy efficiency and heating/cooling  with these rebates. 

*Recommended for residential electric customers. Landlords, property owners and tenants may qualify.

  • Be a residential customer of Columbia Water & Light or Boone Electric Cooperative
  • Live in a duplex, triplex, multi-family property, condo, or townhouse with accessible attics
  • Have an attic space with less than 900 square feet
  • Live in a property at least one year old
  • Cannot have received Attic Plus rebate in the last ten years
  • Have work performed by approved contractor.

How to Apply

  • Contact Columbia Water & Light utility services at (573) 874-2489 to confirm eligibility and next steps.
MSD Customer Assistance Program
St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District Bill Assistance

Description: The St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) offers a 50% rate reduction for income-qualified, elderly, or disabled customers.

*Recommended for income qualified sewer customers who struggle to pay their water/sewer bills.

  • Annual income must not exceed 200% of the federal poverty level based on the size of the household.
  • Have liquid assets and real estate valued at less than $10,000, excluding residence and automobiles. Homeowners who are older than 62 or disabled individuals are not subject to the liquid asset guideline.
  • Own and/or reside as a tenant in the property that receives the rate reduction.
  • Own or live in a single-family residence or multi-unit property up to six units.

How to Apply

Fill out the form found at the ‘Visit Program Here’ link above. Send the completed application to MSD with following documents:

  • Proof of all income sources for all persons living in your home. If you are self-employed, you will need to provide a copy of your most recent federal tax return.
  • Proof of the amount(s) of any liquid assets or real estate, excluding your house of residence and automobile(s).
  • Medical certification (if disabled), completed by a physician. The certification must include the physician’s name, address, telephone number, and ID/control number.
  • Proof of age by submitting a copy of a valid government-issued identification (driver’s license, state, or military ID).
  • Acceptance letter from another Energy Assistance Program such as LIHEAP.
  • Copy of rental/lease agreement that states your responsibility for MSD sewer charges (for tenants only).
  • Property owner’s notarized statement of tenant residence at the property (for tenants only).

To get help with your application, call (866) 281-5737.

Air Conditioner and Heat Pump Incentives
CW&L Energy Efficiency Program

Description: This program gives you money back for getting a new air conditioner or heat pump? If your old air conditioner or heating system isn’t doing a great job anymore, this program can help you get a better one and save money on your energy bills. Plus, these new heat pumps are very efficient, which means they use less electricity and help save energy. The more efficient your new system is, the more money you can get back from Columbia Water & Light. If you’ve been noticing high energy bills or if your old system is more than 10 years old, this program could work for you.

*Recommended for customers with an old (more than 10 years) or unsatisfactory cooling system, and/or if you have seen high utility bills as a result of an inefficient heating/cooling unit.

  • Be a Columbia Water and Light electric customer
  • For air conditioner rebates, you must have a cooling system older than 10 years, or one that requires frequent repairs or has caused an increase in utility costs
  • For heat pump discount:
    • Have a working heat pump installed (SEER 16)
    • Building must have a minimum of R-50 insulation in the ceiling and at least R-19 insulation in floors next to unheated areas like crawl spaces. Duct work in unheated areas must also be insulated.
    • Heat pumps must heat at least 50% of the conditioned air space
  • For ground source heat pump rebate:
    • Both retrofits and new construction must meet building energy efficiency requirements
    • Ground source heat pump systems are limited to a maximum of 10 tons.

How to Apply

  • Call (573) 441-5528 or email to confirm eligibility or schedule an assessment
  • Complete the appropriate application found at the ‘Visit Program Here’ link above and ensure you have the required items
  • Submit the application along with the paid receipt for the system (receipt must list model numbers for the components listed on the application) and the final mechanical permit from the City of Columbia Building/Site Development
  • The application and required materials must be submitted within six months of the installation date
  • Note: Check the AHRI Directory for the equipment’s rating confirmation before completing the purchase of a new unit. Sometimes the manufacturer’s rating can be rated higher than the unit can actually perform.
Heat Up/Cool Down St. Louis
Local Non-Profit Energy Assistance


Description: Heat-Up St. Louis, Inc. is a local nonprofit that helps elderly, disabled, and low-income families with their past-due energy bills. The nonprofit partners with Ameren and local Community Action Agencies to distribute a/c units throughout the summer to qualified Missouri and Illinois residents.

*Recommended for low to moderate-income homeowners and renters who struggle to pay their utility bills.

  • Varies (must provide income upon application)

How to Apply

Click the  ‘Visit Program Here’ link above and then on the right side of the page click  either STL City or County where you reside, and then fill out the application form.

We Value Your Input!

Ready to play a role in addressing and advocating for your community’s energy challenges? Share your insights with us and express your interest in contributing to the solutions for alleviating energy burdens in our state.
Nav Tool Contact Form
Non-Profit Bill Assistance

Description: The HeatShare program helps families in Missouri with their utility bills. They offer different kinds of help, like giving money to pay for natural gas, electricity, propane, or even wood bills. They can also help with emergency fixes for things like air conditioners, heaters, water heaters, and even broken windows or doors. 

*Recommended for low to moderate-income homeowners and renters who struggle to pay their utility bills or who have energy equipment that needs service/fixing.

  • Missouri Resident. Please note that HeatShare is not available for Evergy customers. 
  • Experiencing crisis or an unexpected financial emergency, low-income senior citizen, and/or person with disabilities

How to Apply

To learn more about the program please call: (800) 336-4547

Savings Kit Program (Evergy)
Evergy Energy Efficiency Program

Description: This program offers free energy efficiency upgrades to your home or rental. When you make an appointment for a home energy assessment, you will receive free upgrades throughout your home, as well as personalized tips for more ways to save.

Once you schedule your appointment, an energy professional will walk through your home with you and find ways to reduce your energy use. With your permission they will install a variety of energy saving products at no cost to you. What’s included?

  • LED nightlights
  • Up to four faucet aerators
  • Up to two efficient-flow shower heads
  • Water heater pipe insulation (when accessible)
  • Up to two smart power strips
  • Window insulation and weatherstripping
  • Door draft stoppers
  • Up to four switch-plate gaskets

*Recommended for all Evergy homeowners.

All Missouri residential customers served by Evergy and Spire qualify.

How to Apply

To schedule your FREE appointment, visit this link, or call (855) 907-6930.

Evergy Home Rebates
Evergy Energy Efficiency Program

Description: Evergy offers  rebates or money back to reduce the price of energy efficiency products for your home. These include rebates for insulation, air sealing, energy audits, heat pumps, AC units, and more. These rebates are perfect for homeowners who want to save money on their bills, fix up their homes, or just make them better overall.

See this PDF for the full list of 2024 rebates.

*Recommended for all Evergy homeowners.

  • Schedule an appointment with an authorized contractor
  • Determine how you can benefit from available upgrades and discounts
  • Install upgrades.

How to Apply

  • Find an authorized contractor and schedule an appointment with them
  • Contractor will check current system and determine how you can benefit from available upgrades and discounts
  • Install upgrades
  • Authorized contractor will submit rebate application on your behalf
  • Receive check in the mail in 6-8 weeks.